Learn Portuguese
Study Portuguese with Nacel! We offer international students to attend High School either in Portugal or in Brazil. You learn Portuguese from inside while you live with a Portuguese or a Brazilian host family and go to a local high school.
You enrich yourself with Portuguese and Brazilian traditions and culture!
Why learn Portuguese?
There are many benefits to learning Portuguese. And we at Nacel are here to make sure it happens in the best possible way.
Portuguese is spoken by around 290 million people and the language is used in Brazil, Portugal, Angola, Cape Verde, East Timor, Equatorial Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Mozambique, and Sao Tome and Principe.
It doesn't matter if you want to learn Portuguese because:
- Do you wish to know more about the poets: Camões, Fernando Pessoa or Drummond de Andrade?
- Do you want to study Jorge Amado's "First Browsers"?
- Do you understand Portuguese and Brazilian music?
- Do you wish to learn about architecture: Manueline art, Baroque art, Brasilia?
- Do you enjoy traditions? Carnival, soccer?
- Do you fancy tasting Portuguese and Brazilian cuisine?
- Do you want to visit the cities of Lisbon, Rio de Janeiro, Macau (China), Goa (India), Salvador de Bahia, São Paulo?
Coming to learn Portuguese in Portugal or Brazil with Nacel is the best way to improve your language.
Choose from Homestay Immersion, High school program in Portugal or High School Program in Brazil.
Invest in your education, and learn Portuguese with us. Hundreds of students have already traveled with Nacel. You too are welcome in the Nacel family!
Do you wish to learn how to speak Portuguese?
The Portuguese language is one of the Romance languages. It evolved from Latin and developed on the west coast of the Iberian Peninsula (currently Portugal and the Spanish province of Galicia).
There are several types of Portuguese spoken around the world, but we can highlight European Portuguese and Brazilian Portuguese. Portuguese is very close to Spanish and also related to Italian, French, Catalan, and Romanian.
Craving Portuguese fluency? How do you learn Portuguese quickly? Well, it takes a lot of dedication, and here are some tips to help you become fluent in the language:
- Practice every day: do you like podcasts? watching series? reading articles? Whatever it is, set aside a few minutes a day to do these activities in the language you're learning.
- Relate it to your reality: learn words that help you in your daily life and vocabulary that is useful for your goal. If you want to travel, try to learn phrases that will help you on your journey. Or is it for work? What phrases do you use to write an email or answer a phone call? Link the learning to your current goal.
- Take notes: it doesn't matter if it's on your cell phone, notebook, or computer, but get into the habit of writing down new words or phrases. This will help your memorization.
- Tap into available resources: whether it's online classes, language apps, or study groups. There are many ways to practice. See which one interests you most and get started.
- Have formal lessons: although there are many ways to experience the language in everyday life, it is essential to make time to learn in a structured way.
- Be consistent: one of the most important things for language fluency is to choose how you want to immerse yourself in the language and to do so consistently.
Wondering how to live with a host family in a different country and discover a new culture? Have a look at our content: Live in a host family abroad and discover a new country!
Enhance your Portuguese language learning with these effective tips. Picture combining them to fast-track your language skills while living abroad, studying, and fully embracing the local culture. Join us at Nacel for this incredible experience!
Which tests prove proficiency in Portuguese?
Proficiency tests are widely used by companies and universities. They consist of reading, listening, speaking, and writing. Here are the tests of proficiency in Portuguese:
- CIPLE (Certificado Inicial de Português Língua Estrangeira): the Initial Certificate of Portuguese as a Foreign Language is an A2 exam for adults.
- CAPLE (Centro de Avaliação de Português Língua Estrangeira): has 5 different levels of skill - initial, elementary, intermediate, advanced and auniversity.
- CELPE – Bras (Certificado de Proficiência em Língua Portuguesa para Estrangeiros) is the only certificate of proficiency in Portuguese as a foreign language officially recognized in Brazil and around the world.
Are you convinced? Choose your program and discover all the study possibilities.
Nacel has the right program for you.
Surviving in Portuguese: Basic vocabulary and phrases
We'll give you some tips on vocabularyand phrases that can help you when you're traveling abroad.
Here are the Portuguese greetings, so you can start your introduction with "Olá" (Hello), "O meu nome é..." (My name is...) and end with "Adeus." (Goodbye). As well as the nice "Obrigado." (Thank you).
There are simple phrases that can be very useful when you arrive in a country:
Não entendo. (I don't understand)
Pode me ajudar? (Can you help me?)
Pode repetir, por favor? (Could you repeat that, please?)
Pode falar devagar, por favor? (Can you speak slowly, please?)
Estou perdido. Pode me ajudar a encontrar o caminho? (I'm lost. Can you help me find my way?)
And others for everyday use:
Eu gostaria de pedir... (I would like to order...)
Quanto isso custa? (How much does it cost?)
Onde fica a estação de aeroporto? (Where is the airport?)
Onde posso comprar um bilhete? (Where can I buy a ticket?)
Pode me recomendar um bom restaurante? (Can you recommend a good restaurant?)
These are just a few ideas that can help you travel to a Portuguese-speaking country. Like them?
Nacel is here to guide you and help you choose the best program. Count on us!
Learn Portuguese now with Nacel!
Study Portuguese with Nacel! We offer our students several opportunities to learn how to speak Portuguese.
Teenagers will enjoy choosing a High school program, in which they will be able to attend classes in a Portuguese High School or do an Exchange Program in Brazil , and share the everyday life of a Portuguese or Brazilian host family as well as get some Portuguese language lessons.
What are you waiting for? Start learning Portuguese today!