French Host family and School Immersion in France

French Host family and School Immersion in France


Live an enriching experience in France by participating in a homestay and high school exchange in France for a few weeks. This is a mini high school exchange program in France. 

This Homestay and High School in France program allows you to be an exchange student for a short period of time during the school year. Live with a host family and discover the French school system and the life of a French teenager!

Homestay and High school in France - experienc ethe life of a French teenagerHomestay and High school integration in France - visit cultural and touristic attractionsMini High school in France - experience a French classHomestay immersion in France - an educational experienceHomestay and High school in France - do class trips with your French peersHomestay and High school in France - on the campus of a French school
  • study abroad France
  • age from 13 to 17 years old
  • Language French
  • dates September to May
  • length 2 to 10 weeks
  • price from 2090 EUR
French Host family and School Immersion in France : Description

Live with a welcoming French host family, and go to a local French High school through our French Homestay and High School integration program in France! 

This is a program that allows you to live a firsthand living experience in France, for the duration of 2 to 10 weeks. Even though this is a cultural program more than an academic one, students attend a local school, and participate in class assessments, in order to enrich their French knowledge. This is a great introductory program for those interested in completing a full academic year exchange in France at a later stage.    

Highlights of the French homestay and French school exchange program: 

  • The aim of this program is to discover the French school system and to experience social integration with French teenagers. The student is exempt from doing homework and taking examinations, and it is generally not possible to transfer credits to the home school.
  • Students are placed with warm and welcoming volunteer French families, who are looking for an intercultural experience.
  • Students have a 24/7 Hotline. 
  • Arrival is in Paris, but the student will travel to the final destination with a Chaperone.
French Host family and School Immersion in France : Video
French Host family and School Immersion in France : Activities

You are an exchange student in France, even for just a few weeks and as such, you attend school every weekday. The school day may be quite long in France: don't be surprised to stay at school up to 5 or even 6pm! The Wednesday afternoons are dedicated to extracurricular activities, such as participating in a club, attending a music school, or doing sports training. You spend your weekends with your French host family sharing their habits and usual activities. You really integrate as a new member of the host family! They immerse you in their family lives! 

Find out more about French mealtime habits and what to expect in a high school. Read our blogs on these subjects: 

French Host family and School Immersion in France : Extra activities

In need of French language immersion classes? Opt for our French homestay experience with French homeschooling

Interested in visiting Paris during your stay in France? Book your Discovery Tour program in Paris on top of your summer French homestay experience!

Interested in a long term exchange program in France? Look at our French high school exchange program in France!

French Host family and School Immersion in France : Accommodation

Live like a French teenager in France

As an exchange student in France you are placed with a volunteer French host family offering full board. This means that all meals are included during your stay, including those taken at school!  

Our French host families volunteer to host you, which means that they do not receive money to provide you with room and board. The host families welcome their exchange students for several weeks, in the hope that the experience will lead to a lasting friendship. They look forward to share not only their language but also their everyday life with someone eager to participate! Our French host families live all over France and you will go to the high school your host siblings attend. 

Read more about meal times during your French immersion or ' how to deal with culture shock when going abroad'

French Host family and School Immersion in France : Procedures

The documentation required to apply for a student visa is provided by Nacel. 

French Host family and School Immersion in France : Prices

Homestay and School Immersion in France

* Price in Euros per participant. 

Not included : Application Fees (65 EUR)

Price includes

  • Administration fees
  • Host family accommodation with full board (including school lunches)
  • Host school placement and tuition fees if any
  • Airport pick-up and transfer to the host family (on arrival and departure)
  • Support, assistance and 24/7 Hotline during the whole program

Price does not include

  • Round-trip international airfare
  • Travel insurance (luggage loss, flight delay etc.)
  • Visa, passport and medical exam fees
  • Extra activities organized by the family or others
  • Extra language courses, specific subject fees, school material
  • Personal expenses and spending money
  • Medical, Liability and Emergency Repatriation Insurance
French Host family and School Immersion in France : Testimonials

"Thomas enjoyed his stay in France and his French standard seems to have improved significantly as a result. The family with whom he stayed was friendly and hospitable and made an effort to ensure that he visited interesting places and experienced aspects of French culture. The accommodation they provided was comfortable and the food was good. We were particularly pleased that the family ate together every evening and Thomas was able to take part in their conversation and family time at the dinner table.
We are glad that we put Thomas into the programme and would recommend it to other parents of children wishing to improve their ability in a foreign language."


"Dear Nacel! How are you? I’m fine! Time ran so fast and I leave France tomorrow! I’ve learned so much during my stay here in France, either in Brittany or in the Pyrénées. Everything was fine. Thank you for caring on me during this time! Au revoir!"


Everything went very smoothly for Alex's return trip home.  She is still very tired but everything went well!  She had a FANTASTIC time with her lovely lovely host family- the Bousquets were especially nice to Alex and Helen was very kind and patient! .  We cannot thank the Bousquets enough for providing such nice care of Alex - she really experienced what it is like to live in France.  She especially loved playing the piano and going with their daughter to her piano lessons.  I do think her French improved - especially her pronunciation and common phrases.  She is excited to return to her French classes in School this Fall to continue her lessons.

As we are moving this year to Australia, we are so happy that Alex could have this experience during her last Summer as a teenager in the US.  I would highly recommend this program!


Sarina has had a wonderful time and Veronique even took Sarina to her great great-grandfather's grave in it's been a very special trip. Thanks for checking in. Cheers, Roweena

My 16y old daughter Debasri went from Canada to France for home stay program for a quarter of academic year. The best part of this program for her was to be part of the host family. We thank NACEL from the bottom of our heart for finding this wonderful family.

Despite the difference in language, nationality, race, religion , diet and many more things, Debasri became part of the family. We see tears in her eyes when she talks about them, that is the hard part. Hopefully, we will meet them soon.

We received confirmation of acceptance to the program several months before time for travel and the letters from host family put us at ease. Céline and Jojanneke from NACEL kept in touch with us throughout the process. We were quite anxious about travel between airport and host family. But it worked out fine as arranged by NACEL. - Maniti, Debasri's mother -


My name is Caleb and I went to Niort for three weeks.

I enjoyed my stay, especially going to school. The classes were really interesting, because there were a lot of classes that I don't have at home. The courses in question covered subjects that I do not learn at home, such as the Renaissance in history, or the gap years in English. I think the teachers were really nice, because they made a lot of effort to include me and make me feel comfortable. Finally, all of Timeo's friends (the boy in the host family) were really welcoming – they treated me like one of them.

During the weekends, I visited the region and surrounding towns, such as Nantes, Futuroscope, and La Rochelle. I liked these little visits because they introduced me more to French culture, and I learned a lot of history and saw beautiful landscapes. I especially liked Nantes.

You have to get used to the cultural differences, but I enjoyed it. For example, we spend a lot of time at home – not too many activities outside of school. The homework was not too long, so I spent some time without doing too much, while at home when we have free time on a tendency to spend it together. But it was interesting for me to get used to it, and I liked this immersion.

The host family was really nice and welcoming to me. For example, the mother cooked me a lot of French recipes so that I could eat French food. I went to boxing with Timeo, who included me in that, and I had a great time. They also introduced me to family friends, which I appreciated.

I think I made progress in the language. I think now I speak faster and more naturally. Sometimes during my stay, I realized that I was thinking in French, and not in English, and I think that was mainly the aim of the program. Currently in my French class I find that I speak much faster, especially when I talk to the teacher.


Dear Céline and Jojanneke,

Thank you for your support of Aaron on his homestay and high school immersion in France.  He is having the most amazing experience ever with his wonderful host family!!! 

The host family is extremely welcoming and accommodating!  We could not have hoped for a more positive experience for him!

Thanks again.

Warmest regards,

Lorinda K.

French Host family and School Immersion in France : Deadline
Mini High School Exchange in France: apply at least 3 months before arrival.
French Host family and School Immersion in France : Eligibility

Even though this mini High School program is a cultural one, students are required to have a minimum of two years of studies of the French language, as well as being between 13 to 17 years of age at the time of the arrival. 

Participants must show that they are mature enough to participate in the French homestay and school immersion in France, which requires:

  • Interest in learning about French culture and the French language
  • Deep desire to integrate with a different family and share actively their everyday life
  • Enthusiasm for improving language communication skills
  • Willingness to make new friends
  • An open and flexible attitude during the French homestay in France
  • Between 13 and 17 years old
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