A great way to learn Spanish abroad!

I will give you a based on a true story story on why traveling is a supreme as well as exciting way to learn Spanish abroad.

As you can know travel makes you grows and know a new culture! Check this story.

  • A friend and I went to South America on a shoestring and with second to none Spanish skills between the two of us. But we had adventure in our minds and high hopes in making it around with English and body language.
    Now, the amount of English spoken and understood varies highly with different parts in different countries, but it soon became evident that to brush up on some basic Spanish wouldnt hurt. Not so much as a necessity, as a show of respect.

  • To say gracias instead of thank you will get you a long way. Now I had some Spanish lessons stuck in the back of my mind, dating back at least ten years, but to learn Spanish abroad offers the unique opportunity of just by putting yourself out there.

  • You begin to recognize some useful phrases and words, you are forced to get passed that barrier of blushing self-awareness as you are struggling through a few basic sentences, and once you realize you are usually met with an A for effort by every local you meet, you quickly gain confidence. Soon, without even trying, you have collected a small Spanish vocabulary, making it possible for you to roughly define the topic of conversation although you are far from understanding all the words.

  • This constant barrage of a new language, and with no way of escaping it as its played on the radio, heard on the TV-shows, spoken at the street market and on the jam-packed bus, the rhythm, flow and feel of a language slowly seeps into your subconscious in a way that chalk talk teaching never could achieve.

  • Learning languages abroad, no matter if it is Spanish, German, English, Italian or even Chinese, travelling is a learning tool that is impossible to beat. Not to mention the fun of it. One of the most basic tools that come with learning Spanish abroad by travelling is the sheer survival instinct.

  • As my friend and I got picked up by the local police at a bus terminal in Colombia, my level of concentration shot through the roof as I tried to understand what the police were asking me, suddenly realizing.

I could piece together a lot more than I thought. My nightmare visions of suddenly ending up in a Colombian prison, due to lack of communication, slowly subsided, and I understood that they only thought wed looked a little bit lost and wanted to help out.
The relief I felt was mixed with the proud notion that I had actually learnt some Spanish during my days on the winding roads over The Andes.

It goes to show, learning languages abroad and traveling goes hand in hand.

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